Perpetual Fear vs. Reassurance
I went out to have a drink with a couple of girlfriends tonight, and we talked about my book. I told them the premise of the book, and we started talking about the perpetual fear we have as women. I saw something in them as we talked about the Blues and their reflex, and they both said how nice it would be to have that reassurance that a Blue has. They both instantly stepped into that fantasy world I created, and it felt good to them.
It’s my hope that this book brings a little bit of light to people. I think it’s one thing to acknowledge people’s pain and fear, but it’s another thing to imagine a world without it. Just as those social media posts ask the question, what would you do if there were no men in the world, and they get responses about wearing certain clothes or going for a jog without a worry. My book is asking a reader to imagine a different kind of world.
I hope that readers enjoy using their imaginations and engaging in conversations around the topic of power and freedom that my book explores. While it is all fantasy, I think fantasy can bring people together to talk about their experiences and hopes for the future.